Feinwerkbau Mod. 300S Crank lever Complete Service kit *See description
$123.00 CAD
Feinwerkbau Complete service kit for mod. 300S*
This service kit comes with the breech seal, piston buffer, steel compression ring and and dual springs with slide ring for the rifle.
Feinwerkbau Mod. 300S only*
*Please read
Will it fit the my 110, 150 or 300 Rifle?
Anwser: No, not without spring modification. You see theses 3 rifles the 110, 150 and 300 have a the one piece mainspring design and the 300S as dual springs and wont work as-is (it will at first, but the rifle won’t cocked all the way because the springs are taking too much space inside the rifle and you will have to take it apart.)
I can help guide though this procedure. Contact me.